General Government Financial Analysis
General Government Financial Analysis
FCS GROUP financial consultants specialize in helping local and state governments, regional agencies and public safety entities address and solve issues involving policy objectives, public finance, cost recovery, facility financing and long-term facility reinvestment funding, and organizational performance. We have a broad understanding and specific expertise on local and state government policymaking; how the many different governmental functions are performed; and what role elected officials, the public, community organizations and employees have in making governments responsive to community needs.

“The depth and rigor of our financial analysis helps public agencies solve critical challenges of sustainable financial stewardship of public services.”
Martin Chaw
Senior Project Manager
Our Financial Planning and Analysis consultants specialize in helping local and state governments, regional agencies and public safety entities address and solve issues involving policy objectives, public finance, cost recovery, and organizational performance. We have a broad understanding and level of expertise in how local and state governments set and implement policies; how the many different governmental functions are performed; and what role elected officials, the public, community organizations and employees have in making government responsive to community needs.
What our customers are saying
“We were treated professionally and in a timely manner. All of our projects with FCS GROUP were successful. I feel that the (City) got their money’s worth dealing with FCS GROUP. Their financial analysis was essential for some critical projects. The work and the service was exactly what we needed. (The project manager) was an enjoyable professional to work with. I have recommended FCS GROUP to other agencies that need financial analysis, and I don’t make recommendations lightly.”
“We would like to recommend FCS GROUP as an outstanding economic, financial and management consulting firm that has helped the Shoreline Water District with a variety of projects since 1990, most recently a rate model and the associated communication language we used to let our rate payers know of the new rates.”