Bob Hammond Joins FCS GROUP

FCS GROUP is excited to announce that former city manager and utility director, Bob Hammond, has joined the firm. Bob offers over thirty years of public service experience in a variety of technical and management disciplines, including overseeing engineering and operations of electric, water, wastewater, street and stormwater utilities. Bob also has experience related [...]

FCS GROUP Announces New Appointments; Spokane Office

FCS GROUP Principals, John Ghilarducci and Angie Sanchez Virnoche, have been appointed to the roles of company President and Vice President, respectively. John joined the firm in 1991 and Angie in 2006. With 40 years of combined utility finance, rate development and fiscal policy analysis experience, John and Angie have been significant catalysts throughout [...]

FCS GROUP Earns Leader in Sustainability Designation

FCS GROUP is excited to announce that we are now a proud business member of Clackamas County’s Leaders in Sustainability program. In 2018, FCS GROUP attained the highest possible certification level, gold, with over 50 sustainable actions. As a leader in sustainability in Clackamas County, we lead by example and help other companies put [...]

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